Monday, August 21, 2017

Parent Connection August 21, 2017

 Our Great Heritage
          As Americans, we take great pride in the freedom, liberty, and peace we enjoy being a citizen of this country. In many ways, we are envied by people around the world. Our standard of living is the ideal that many in the world would like to imitate.
          But when I talk about “Our Great Heritage”, I’m not talking economics. I’m talking something older than our nation, something stronger than the “dollar”, and something that is going to last long past the time you and I are gone from this world. I’m talking about God’s Word as our Great Heritage.
          This year marks the 500th anniversary of the return of the pure Word to the Church. When God raised up Martin Luther to point out the falsehood and traditions that were being taught as the true Word of God, it was the dawn of a new age in the Church. Once again the true Christ and his work for our salvation was being taught to his people. Once again God’s people enjoyed living in the sure Hope that all who trust in Jesus as their Savior have.
          “Our Great Heritage” is our theme for this school year. We will explore how this heritage became ours and how having that heritage changes everything in our lives.   

Chapel Service
          This morning we started the school day with a chapel service opening school.  Chapel services during the school year will be held on Thursdays at 8:30am and all are welcomed and invited to attend.  There will be no chapel service this Thursday due to the service this morning.    

School Reporting and Handbook Forms
          For those who missed the orientation last Wednesday, copies of the handbook, a Parent Handbook Acknowledgement and Permission to Photograph Form, and a Private School Enrollment Reporting Form will be sent home today with your student.  We need to have both of these forms returned to school by Friday, Aug. 25. 
          If you have updated immunization forms please send with your student or drop off at the office. 

 Emergency Preparedness
Every year at this time we review our plan for emergency situations at our school. If an emergency such as an earthquake or other disaster would occur, plans and material supplies are in place to provide for the safety and security of our students, as well as first aid and extended care in the event that students cannot be immediately picked up by their parents.
In order to help us in this, we ask each family to prepare a small “comfort kit” for your child, with small items to provide comfort and to help keep them occupied and calm in an emergency situation. We have included a small zip-lock bag with this newsletter to facilitate this. Pack your child’s comfort kit with a card containing your child’s name and contact information and other small items for your child’s comfort.  Suggestions include a non-perishable snack (like a granola bar), a pair of knit gloves, a family picture, a small toy, and a letter to your child.
Comfort kits can be brought to your child’s teacher at any time, and will be returned at the end of the school year.

Cross Country
          Cross Country will begin Thursday, Aug. 24 for students in 5th – 8th grades.  If your student is participating, please sign and return the permission slip by Thursday.

Boxtops for Education and School Rewards Programs
          Save your box tops! You can turn in Boxtops in the collection container on the bulletin board by the school entrance, or give to Mrs. Zarnstorff. Every little bit helps!
          Faith Lutheran School is enrolled in the Fred Meyers school rewards program.  Please take a moment to register for this program.  If you find a program we are not registered for please contact the office so we can get enrolled.

Parent, Teacher, Friends will have the first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 20th at 7:00pm.  This meeting will focus on volunteers for hot lunches, school t-shirts & sweatshirts and planning ahead for our Trunk or Treat. 
We look forward to seeing you there!

School Uniforms
          Looking for a used uniform?  Next week we will have a table set up in the hallway by the kindergarten classroom.  Used uniforms are free, first come basis.  New uniforms may be purchased at

August Birthdays
          God’s richest blessings to those celebrating August birthdays.
Karlee H.  8/20
Connor K. 8/27

Bible Information Class
                A child’s Christian education is only as good as the cooperation between parents and teachers.  To this end, we feel strongly that all parents need to hear our fundamental beliefs and understand the basic doctrines that all of our school children are taught.  Therefore, we invite parents of school children to attend Pastor Ewings’ “Making Life Better Class”. This class is an extensive review of the basic doctrines taught in the Bible and, therefore, in this school. Parents who complete the class will receive a $500 discount on their child’s tuition for each of three years after completing the class.

Before School Care
Families using Before Care, please note that Before Care students should enter the building through the ramp door (playground side). This will help us maintain a secure facility. After 8:10 a.m. students should enter the building through the regular school entrance.
The ramp door will be open for those children being dropped off between 7:30 and 8:10 a.m. in the morning. Those being dropped off at this time should go directly to the fellowship hall for Before Care.  The students will be dismissed to the classrooms at the appropriate time.

After School Care    
Children who have not been picked up by a parent or designated adult by 3:45 p.m. will be sent to aftercare (3:45 until 5:30 p.m.).  Please remember that you will need to go in to aftercare to sign your child out.  Students will be in the fellowship hall with the aftercare supervisor. Please use the ramp entrance

Labor Day
Labor Day is September 4th, there will be no school.

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