Monday, January 5, 2015

Parent Connection - January 5th Issue #19

Chapel Service
You are invited to join us for our weekly chapel service this Thursday, January 8th  from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Our chapel service message will be presented by Pastor Robbert from King of Kings, Wasilla. This week’s theme: Living for Jesus Means Appreciating God’s Creation (Bezalel).Families and friends are invited to come join us in starting our day with the Lord.

Report cards for the second quarter will be distributed on Friday, January 9th.
Parents, please sign and return the accompanying envelope on Monday, January 12th. If you have any questions about your child’s 2nd Quarter report, please feel free to set up a meeting with your child’s teacher.

Co-ed Volleyball is starting THIS week for boys and girls in grades 5-8. The first practice is Thursday, January 8th. Students interested in participating should get a permission form from Mr. Zarnstorff. Practices will be held at Saint John’s Methodist Church, 4:00-5:45 p.m. Please speak to Mr. Z if you have any questions.

Happy Birthday to Cody Boswell (Jan 8).
God bless you on your special day!

Art Fair
Our Faith Lutheran School Art Fair is Friday, February 6th !
All entries need to be submitted for judging by Tuesday, February 3rd. We hope to have EVERY student participate with one or more entries. (Students are allowed up to three entries.) If you have any questions, please refer to the guidelines included with the Art Fair flyer that was sent home before Christmas break (extra copies are available in the box by the office), or speak to Mr. Schneck.

Junior Choir and Handchimes will be off this week, but will resume next week on January 14th for Junior Choir and 15th for Handchimes.

Thanks to all those who donated to the winter clothing drive. The extra clothing was  distributed to McKinnell House and was much appreciated.

Library Visit
Grades 3-5 will be visiting the Loussac Library this Friday, January 9th. Students are reminded to bring their library cards and any books that need to be returned.

This week…

Thursday, January 8th
·         School Chapel Service     8:30 a.m.
·         Volleyball Practice   4:00 p.m.
                   @ St. John’s Methodist

Friday, January 9th
·         2nd Quarter Report Cards Distributed

Calendar Correction

Please take note of the following reminder. There was an error on the school year calendar distributed at the beginning of the school year. In February of 2015 the two days off for the Alaska Conference of Pastor and Teachers that was scheduled on the calendar for February 2 and 3 should instead be February 12 and 13. Again, we will be having school classes on February 2 and 3. There will be no school classes on February 12 and 13.

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