Monday, September 11, 2017

Parent Connection September 11, 2017

It’s Out of Control
          The second major hurricane to wreak havoc on the shores of these United States in a span of a couple of weeks took up the majority of the news reports over the weekend.  With the threat of at least two others following behind, a person might well think that things have gone haywire in our weather patterns.  Other places are experiencing unusually high temperatures and lack of rain which brings the threat of wildfires.  We could add to these the constant reminders being put out by scientists about global warming and the looming disasters they say will be caused by it, how could one not think that things are out of control?
          One could also look at the major earthquakes that shook much of southern Mexico causing widespread destruction and injuries and wonder what is going on?
          Should we really be puzzled by these events, or worried by them?  All of these things have been foretold, these things will happen before the end of the world. They are just a reminder to all that this world and our lives on this earth will not last forever.
If these events worry you, read Psalm 46. In this Psalm, we are told that God is our “Fortress and refuge and strength”.  We are reminded that God is our “ever-present help in trouble”.  We are also told to “Be still, and know that I am God.”  Things are never out of His control.  All things that happen are under His control so we never have to be worried about anything, He is always by our side.

Half Day
School will dismiss at noon this Friday, September 15.

Bible Information Class
          A child’s Christian education is only as good as the cooperation between parents and teachers.  To this end, we feel strongly that all parents need to hear our fundamental beliefs and understand the basic doctrines that all of our school children are taught.  Therefore, we invite parents of school children to attend Pastor Ewings’ “Making Life Better Class” beginning tonight, September 11th. This 15-week class is an extensive review of the basic doctrines taught in the Bible and, therefore, in this school. Parents who complete the class will receive a $500 discount on their child’s tuition for each of three years after completing the class.

Healthy Sleep Habits
Teachers have been noticing that their students are coming to school overly tired.  It is important that your student gets enough sleep so that they can participate fully in class.  We need your help to enforce a proper “bedtime” in order for your student to get sufficient hours of rest and sleep. Primary school age children NEED 9 to 11 hours of sleep nightly in order to function properly. Growing teenagers function best with 8 to 10 hours of sleep. 

Cross Country
          Cross Country practice continues this week on Tuesday and Thursday. Athletes can be picked up at Waldron Park at 5:15 pm or the school at 5:30 pm.

Junior Choir
Our Junior Choir will practice on Wednesdays, 12:30pm to 1:00pm, during the lunch recess.

The handchime choir will practice on Thursdays, 12:30pm to 1:00pm, during the lunch recess.

Parent, Teacher, Friends will have their first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 20th at 7:00pm.  This meeting will focus on volunteers for hot lunches, school t-shirts & sweatshirts, and planning ahead for our Trunk or Treat. 
We look forward to seeing you there!

School Sweatshirts
If you are interested in school sweatshirts, we’ll be placing an order at the end of the month.  Look for upcoming details on how to order.

Meet Your Teachers Monday
Each week there will be a trivia question posted on the school Facebook page. This question will point to one of your teachers or staff members. Be the first to answer correctly and win a prize. The answer will be revealed on Facebook on Friday.
The answer to last week’s trivia question was Miss Snyder.  There were no winners.  Make sure to check the school’s Facebook page for this week’s question.

September Birthdays
Happy Birthday to: 
Elijah C.       9/2
Aurora E.      9/4

Ewan F.        9/9

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