Monday, November 21, 2016

Parent Connection November 21st

A Fishing Tale
I got out onto the ice last Saturday. I went fishing for a little while in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day to be on the ice, not too cold, not too windy. I drilled some holes and cleaned out the ice chips. I set up my poles, checked the depth, and baited the hooks. But I was a little worried when I took out my jar of salmon eggs. I had left them in my coat pocket and lid wasn’t on very tight. The eggs had dried out and shriveled up. It was hard to even separate them from the jar to put them on the hook. I didn’t think that they would look very attractive to the fish. I wondered what I would have to do if the eggs proved useless in attracting fish to my hook. I did have a few other lures that I could have used if needed.
          I don’t know if you are aware of it, but Satan is a very good fisherman. He is a very persistent fisherman, he spends hours each day in search of his prey. He knows his prey very well too. He has studied his prey and knows exactly what bait to use in each and every situation to entice his prey into taking the bait. His lures are fashioned specifically for each of his individual targets. When he gets his prey to take the bait, he is not one who practices catch and release, he wants to keep every last one that he hooks. We are the ones he is after, the ones he wants to lure away from our God.
          Our God doesn’t want to let us go. He also seeks after us. With his Gospel message he cuts Satan lines and removes his hooks from us. He forgives us when we have taken Satan’s bait and fallen for his temptation to sin. He saved us from the eternal consequences of sin. He wants us to enjoy eternity with him in heaven. He gives us strength to resist the lures of Satan. Even though Satan continues his attack, we can rest secure in our Savior arms.

No School
Thanksgiving is this Thursday.  There is no school on Thursday and Friday.  Chapel will be held on Wednesday.

Junior Choir
Junior Choir will be singing at Faith on November 27th at 10:30.  This will be the rededication service for the school.  Singers will need to wear their choir uniforms.

Special Thanksgiving Worship Service
          Sunday, November 27th at 10:30, Faith Lutheran Church will have a special thanksgiving service, during this service there will be a rededication of the school.  The school will host an open house following the service and a potluck.  All are encouraged and invited to attend.

Thanksgiving Donation Drive
          We have so much to be thankful for!  This is the time of year to share our blessings with those in need.         Faith Lutheran School will be assembling bags for those less fortunate.  Items we will include in the bags are:
·         small water bottle
·         small cans of pop-top food such as beans or Vienna sausages
·         dried fruit
·         beef jerky     
·         individual packages of hot cocoa mix, tea, and coffee
·         small packages of nuts or trail mix
·         socks (adult size)
·         mittens
·         hand warmers
·         travel size toiletries
·         toothbrushes and toothpaste
·         lip balm
Donations may be brought for your offering on Wednesday at chapel.

Basketball this week:
          We have practice on Tuesday. 
The tournament is scheduled for December 1st – 3rd.  Girls first game is Thursday, Dec 1st @ 7:15.  Boys first game is Dec 1st @ 4:45.  All games will be played at Lumen Christi.

Financial Peace University
Faith Lutheran Church will offer the popular Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class early in the new year, Tuesday evenings at 6:30 from January 10th through March 7th.  The class covers biblically-based principles of money management, beneficial to all from young people starting out on their own to older couples.  For more information about the class, please visit the Stewards of Faith blog at

If you are interested in signing up, please speak with Mrs. Lillo in the office.

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