Thursday, November 3, 2016

Parent Connection November 2nd

Surrounded by Enemies
          There was a time in Israel when they were at war against the king of Aram and his armies. The king of the Arameans would tell his commanders to go and set a trap for the Israelite army. Elisha, God’s prophet at the time, would send a message to the Israelite king and warn him of the trap.
Time after time the king of Aram was foiled in his attempt to trap the Israelites.
          He got so frustrated that he even accused his own men of warning the enemy about their movements and plans. The men told him that it was the man of God that was foiling their plans. So the king made plans to capture Elisha where he was staying in Dothan. During the night, he sent a large group of chariots and horsemen to surround the city.
In the morning, Elisha’s servant went out and saw the multitude of chariots and soldiers and reported it to Elisha. Elisha told him, “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha asked God to open his servant’s eyes and show him the hills around the city filled with horses and chariots of fire, the armies of God were there to defend and protect them.
Things haven’t changed. God’s army is still defending and protecting the people of God. There are many enemies surrounding us, wanting to harm us, trying to tear our faith out of our hearts. When we face these enemies, may God open our eyes to see his armies surrounding us and defending and protecting us, keeping us safe from the enemies’ attacks.

Thank you!
          Thank you to all who worked hard to make our “Trunk or Treat” event so successful. For all the time and effort, for the contributions of candy, cookies, and cakes: Thank you all!
          For all of the children who came and sang for our Reformation service on Sunday afternoon, thank you! I had many compliments from those in attendance about your enthusiasm in singing praise to our Lord.

Birthday this week
          JJ Strong celebrated his birthday yesterday, November 1. I hope you had a wonderful day, JJ!

Basketball this week:
          We have practice on Thursday, Nov. 3. We also have a game on Friday, Nov. 4, at 6:00 p.m. against Anchor Lutheran at Anchor on Arctic Boulevard.

          Those participating in the Math-a-thon program this year please return the completed Math-a-thon materials by this Friday, Nov. 4. Our goal is to raise $500.00 for this cause. Thank you!

Parents’ Night Out
          Looking ahead to next week Friday, Nov. 11, we will be holding a parents’ night out. Please sign up on the hall signup sheets near your child’s classroom. Parents may drop their children off for a fun evening.  Kids will enjoy an evening with snacks, a movie and a craft.  The theme is “Drive In Theater”.  This is sponsored by PTF, free will donations will be accepted at the door.  Children must be potty trained to attend.  Contact Leah Snyder to volunteer or for more information.

Insect Invasion
November 19th, 10:00 – Noon for toddlers to 12 year olds and their parents. The morning will have activities, snacks, devotion, and crafts.  Contact Melissa Mittelstadt for more information.

Faith Gear
The time to order your Faith gear has been extended to November 9th.  Another email with the links will be sent out this week.

Be Diligent
Parents, please continue to check your children for head lice.  Instruct your children not to share hats or brushes.

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