Monday, August 27, 2018

Parent Connection August 27

Have you ever been lost?
It may have been when you were little and wandered away from your mother at the store, or maybe you were camping with your family and you started following after that cute little bunny and soon realized that you didn’t have any idea where your family was. How did you feel when you realized your situation? I think most of us felt a little scared. The consequences of our situation could have been very serious. You felt helpless and maybe frozen in fear.
Did you ever think about what your parents were thinking during the time that you were missing? They probably went from annoyance to anxiety to panic the longer that you were missing. They started to search from the point where they last saw you, enlisting the help of others as they went.  When you were found, there was relief, for both you and your parents.
All of us have wandered away from our heavenly Father. By nature we are lost and are not able to do anything to improve our situation. We are hopeless and helpless. “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way.” Isaiah 53:6a.
Our Father saw our condition and situation, and had compassion on us. He carried out a plan to save us from ourselves. He sent His Son to take our guilt, to pay our debt, and to give us hope for the future. He is concerned about each of us and wants us to be with Him in heaven. He reaches out His hand in love to the lost.

Cross Country
          We will begin Tuesday and Thursday practices at Waldron Park starting tomorrow, Aug. 28.  Transportation to the park and back will be provided.  Students will be back at Faith Lutheran School by 5:15pm or may be picked up at the park at 5:00pm.
          If your student is participating, please sign and return the permission slip before practice tomorrow.

Junior Choir
          Choir members will begin practicing this Wednesday, Aug. 29th during lunch recess from 12:30pm to 1:00pm.
          Their first performance will be Sep. 30th at 10:30am here at Faith.

Labor Day – No School
There will be no school on Monday, Sep. 3 in honor of Labor Day.  Enjoy your three-day weekend!

Text Alerts Last Week
          When we have information that needs to reach all parents, we either do a mass email or a mass text message.  If you do not have alert preferences set up in Educate, you may not receive these messages or you may get them in a manner that is not optimal (for example, 25+ text messages!) 
To prevent this from happening again, all Educate accounts that do not have a contact preference listed have been set to receive alerts via email for school closings, general communications and school emergencies.  Please log into Educate and review your contact information as well as your alert preferences.  Once logged in, select the pull down menu by your name, select account, then alert preferences. 
If you have any questions, please contact the office.

Thank you
          Grades 1-4 would like to thank all parents who brought in classroom supplies.  Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated.

Emergency Preparedness
Every year at this time we review our plan for emergency situations at our school. If an emergency such as an earthquake or other disaster would occur, plans and material supplies are in place to provide for the safety and security of our students, as well as first aid and extended care in the event that students cannot be immediately picked up by their parents.
In order to help us in this, we ask each family to prepare a small “comfort kit” for your child, with small items to provide comfort and to help keep them occupied and calm in an emergency situation.   Pack your child’s comfort kit with a card containing your child’s name and contact information and other small items for your child’s comfort.  Suggestions include a non-perishable snack (like a granola bar), a pair of knit gloves, a family picture, a small toy, and a letter to your child.
If your child has not brought their comfort kit to school yet, please have them bring it as soon as possible.  All kits will be returned at the end of the school year.

Bible Information Class
                A child’s Christian education is only as good as the cooperation between parents and teachers.  To this end, we feel strongly that all parents need to hear our fundamental beliefs and understand the basic doctrines that all of our school children are taught.  Therefore, we invite parents of school children to attend Pastor Ewings’ “Making Life Better Class” beginning Monday, September 10. This class is an extensive review of the basic doctrines taught in the Bible and, therefore, in this school. Parents who complete the class will receive a $500 discount on their child’s tuition for each of three years after completing the class.

Boxtops for Education and School Rewards Programs
          If you have been saving Boxtops over the summer, there is a collection envelope on the bulletin board by the school entrance, or you can give them to Mrs. Zarnstorff.  If you haven’t been saving them, now’s the time to start!  Our goal for this year is to turn in $1000 worth of Boxtops.  Will you help us reach our goal?
Faith Lutheran School is also enrolled in the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program.  Please link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card at using non-profit number Y1503.

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